Commit 63b7ac92 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Improve erp5-show to be more fault tolerant and provide more informations.

parent 7c77a22d
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import glob
import time
import getopt
import sqlite3
from urllib2 import urlopen
import ssl
import urllib2
from xml.dom import minidom
import json
......@@ -20,15 +21,21 @@ def discover_software():
conn = sqlite3.connect("/opt/slapos/slapproxy.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
qry = cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT software_release FROM partition11")
return [row[0] for row in qry]
return [row[0] for row in qry if row[0]]
def get_connection_information(software_release):
conn = sqlite3.connect("/opt/slapos/slapproxy.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
qry = cur.execute("SELECT connection_xml FROM partition11 WHERE connection_xml IS NOT NULL AND software_release=?", (software_release,) )
xml = None
for row in qry:
xml = str(row[0])
if xml is None:
print software_release
return (None, None)
instance = minidom.parseString(xml)
......@@ -90,13 +97,51 @@ def status(software_release):
fmt_date() + ".log for details"
ipv6 = None
# check if the services are actually running (run slapos node and parse output)
if pw is None:
zope_ip = "https://" + zope_ip[zope_ip.index("@")+1:]
r1 = urlopen(zope_ip)
original_zope_ip = zope_ip
if "[" in zope_ip and "]" in zope_ip:
ipv6 = zope_ip[zope_ip.index("[")+1:zope_ip.index("]")]
with open("/etc/hosts", "ra+") as f:
if " erp5-instance" not in
f.write("\n%s erp5-instance\n" % ipv6)
zope_ip = zope_ip.replace("[" + ipv6 + "]", "erp5-instance")
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
r1 = urllib2.urlopen(zope_ip, context=ctx)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print "At least one of your services isn't running! Check with slapos node"
print "restart a service with slapos node restart slappart:service"
print ""
print "DEBUG information: %s" % e
if r1.getcode() != 200:
print "At least one of your services isn't running! Check with slapos node"
print "restart a service with slapos node restart slappart:service"
if ipv6:
print ""
print "The URL above may require extra configuration if you want to access it"
print "from another machine. You can install an apache locally and include the"
print "the follow rewrite rule (http version):"
print """
RewriteRule ^/(.*) %s/VirtualHostBase/http/%%{HTTP_HOST}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
or (https version):
RewriteRule ^/(.*) %s/VirtualHostBase/https/%%{HTTP_HOST}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
""" % (original_zope_ip, original_zope_ip)
def info(software_release):
if get_build_status():
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