Commit 1ea6aad7 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

slapos-master: Use ERP5 SR directly

  For now the only exception is slapos_configurator only
parent 3dd443b8
{# This file configures apache to redirect requests from ports to specific urls.
# It provides SSL support for server and optionaly for client.
# All parameters are given through the `parameter_dict` variable, see the
# list entries :
# parameter_dict = {
# # The path given to "PidFile"
# "pid-file": "<file_path>",
# # The number given to "TimeOut"
# "timeout": 300,
# # The path given to "SSLCertificateFile"
# "cert": "<file_path>",
# # The path given to "SSLCertificateKeyFile"
# "key": "<file_path>",
# # The value given to "SSLCipherSuite" (can be empty)
# "cipher": "",
# # The path given to "SSLSessionCache shmcb:<folder_path>(512000)"
# "ssl-session-cache": "<folder_path>",
# # The path given to "SSLCACertificateFile" (can be empty)
# # If this value is not empty, it enables client certificate check.
# # (Enabling "SSLVerifyClient require")
# "ca-cert": "<file_path>",
# # The path given to "SSLCARevocationFile" (used if ca-cert is not
# # empty)
# "crl": "<file_path>",
# # The path given to "ErrorLog"
# "error-log": "<file_path>",
# # The path given to "AccessLog"
# "access-log": "<file_path>",
# # The list of ip which apache will listen to.
# "ip-list": [
# "",
# "[::1]",
# ],
# # The list of backends which apache should redirect to.
# "backend-list": [
# # (port, unused, internal_scheme, enable_authentication)
# (8000, _, "", True),
# (8002, _, "", False),
# ],
# # The mapping of zope paths this apache should redirect to.
# # This is a Zope specific feature.
# # `enable_authentication` has same meaning as for `backend-list`.
# "zope-virtualhost-monster-backend-dict": {
# # {(ip, port): ( enable_authentication, {frontend_path: ( internal_scheme ) }, ) }
# ('[::1]', 8004): (
# True, {
# 'zope-1': '',
# 'zope-2': '',
# },
# ),
# },
# }
# This sample of `parameter_dict` will make apache listening to :
# From to `backend-list`:
# - redirecting internaly to and
# - [::1]:8000 redirecting internaly to
# only accepting requests from clients who provide a valid SSL certificate trusted in `ca-cert`.
# - redirecting internaly to
# - [::1]:8002 redirecting internaly to
# accepting requests from any client.
# From zope-virtualhost-monster-backend-dict`:
# - [::1]:8004 with some path based rewrite-rules redirecting to:
# * when path matches /zope-1(.*)
# * when path matches /zope-2(.*)
# with some VirtualHostMonster rewrite rules so zope writes URLs with
# [::1]:8004 as server name.
# For more details, refer to
LoadModule unixd_module modules/
LoadModule access_compat_module modules/
LoadModule authz_core_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/cache-manifest text/html text/plain text/css application/hal+json application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/rss+xml text/javascript application/javascript image/svg+xml application/x-font-ttf application/font-woff application/font-woff2 application/x-font-opentype application/wasm
PidFile "{{ parameter_dict['pid-file'] }}"
ServerAdmin admin@
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
ServerTokens Prod
ServerSignature Off
TraceEnable Off
TimeOut {{ parameter_dict['timeout'] }}
SSLCertificateFile {{ parameter_dict['cert'] }}
SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ parameter_dict['key'] }}
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
{% if parameter_dict['cipher'] -%}
SSLCipherSuite {{ parameter_dict['cipher'] }}
{% else %}
{%- endif %}
SSLSessionCache shmcb:{{ parameter_dict['ssl-session-cache'] }}(512000)
SSLProxyEngine On
# As backend is trusting Remote-User header unset it always
RequestHeader unset Remote-User
{% if parameter_dict['ca-cert'] -%}
SSLVerifyClient optional
RequestHeader set Remote-User %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
SSLCACertificateFile {{ parameter_dict['ca-cert'] }}
{% if not parameter_dict['shared-ca-cert'] %}
{% if parameter_dict['crl'] -%}
SSLCARevocationCheck chain
SSLCARevocationFile {{ parameter_dict['crl'] }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
ErrorLog "{{ parameter_dict['error-log'] }}"
# Default apache log format with request time in microsecond at the end
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %D" combined
CustomLog "{{ parameter_dict['access-log'] }}" combined
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Allow from all
RewriteEngine On
{% for port, _, backend, enable_authentication in parameter_dict['backend-list'] -%}
{% for ip in parameter_dict['ip-list'] -%}
Listen {{ ip }}:{{ port }}
{% endfor -%}
<VirtualHost *:{{ port }}>
SSLEngine on
{% if enable_authentication and parameter_dict['shared-ca-cert'] -%}
SSLVerifyClient require
# Custom block we use for now different parameters.
RequestHeader set Remote-User %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
SSLCACertificateFile {{ parameter_dict['shared-ca-cert'] }}
{% if 'shared-crl' in parameter_dict -%}
SSLCARevocationCheck chain
SSLCARevocationPath {{ parameter_dict['shared-crl'] }}
{% endif -%}
LogFormat "%h %l %{Remote-User}i %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %D" service
# We would like to separate the the authentificated logs.
ErrorLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/apache-service-error.log"
CustomLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/apache-service-access.log" service
{% endif -%}
RewriteRule ^/(.*) {{ backend }}/$1 [L,P]
{% endfor -%}
{% for (ip, port), (enable_authentication, path_mapping) in parameter_dict.get('zope-virtualhost-monster-backend-dict', {}).items() -%}
Listen {{ ip }}:{{ port }}
<VirtualHost {{ ip }}:{{ port }}>
SSLEngine on
Timeout 3600
{% if enable_authentication and parameter_dict['ca-cert'] and parameter_dict['crl'] -%}
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLCACertificateFile {{ parameter_dict['ca-cert'] }}
SSLCARevocationCheck chain
SSLCARevocationFile {{ parameter_dict['crl'] }}
LogFormat "%h %l %{REMOTE_USER}i %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %D" combined
# We would like to separate the the authentificated logs.
# XXX filename ? is it log-rotated ?
ErrorLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/apache-service-virtual-host-error.log"
CustomLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/apache-service-virtual-host-access.log" combined
{% endif -%}
{% for path, backend in path_mapping.items() %}
RewriteRule ^/{{path}}(.*) {{ backend }}/VirtualHostBase/https/{{ ip }}:{{ port }}/VirtualHostRoot/_vh_{{ path }}$1 [L,P]
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
# THIS IS NOT A BUILDOUT FILE, despite purposedly using a compatible syntax.
# The only allowed lines here are (regexes):
# - "^#" comments, copied verbatim
# - "^[" section beginings, copied verbatim
# - lines containing an "=" sign which must fit in the following categorie.
# - "^\s*filename\s*=\s*path\s*$" where "path" is relative to this file
# Copied verbatim.
# - "^\s*hashtype\s*=.*" where "hashtype" is one of the values supported
# by the re-generation script.
# Re-generated.
# - other lines are copied verbatim
# Substitution (${...:...}), extension ([buildout] extends = ...) and
# section inheritance (< = ...) are NOT supported (but you should really
# not need these here).
filename =
md5sum = cf5fbee0b5e104015eb9eac53ba2d241
filename =
md5sum = 8af2ed33ef2a57cf5c5df4dd5d834d69
filename =
md5sum = aa11283ca8b80a91b508732cd3443f7b
filename =
md5sum = fec6a312e4ef84b02837742992aaf495
{% set server_check_path = parameter_dict['server-check-path'] -%}
maxconn 4096
stats socket {{ parameter_dict['socket-path'] }} level admin
mode http
retries 1
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
cookie SERVERID rewrite
balance roundrobin
stats uri /haproxy
stats realm Global\ statistics
# it is useless to have timeout much bigger than the one of apache.
# By default apache use 300s, so we set slightly more in order to
# make sure that apache will first stop the connection.
timeout server 305s
# Stop waiting in queue for a zope to become available.
# If no zope can be reached after one minute, consider the request will
# never succeed.
timeout queue 60s
# The connection should be immediate on LAN,
# so we should not set more than 5 seconds, and it could be already too much
timeout connect 5s
# As requested in haproxy doc, make this "at least equal to timeout server".
timeout client 305s
# Use "option httpclose" to not preserve client & server persistent connections
# while handling every incoming request individually, dispatching them one after
# another to servers, in HTTP close mode. This is really needed when haproxy
# is configured with maxconn to 1, without this option browsers are unable
# to render a page
option httpclose
{% for name, (port, backend_list) in sorted(parameter_dict['backend-dict'].iteritems()) -%}
listen {{ name }}
bind {{ parameter_dict['ip'] }}:{{ port }}
http-request set-header X-Balancer-Current-Cookie SERVERID
{% set has_webdav = [] -%}
{% for address, connection_count, webdav in backend_list -%}
{% if webdav %}{% do has_webdav.append(None) %}{% endif -%}
{% set server_name = name ~ '-' ~ loop.index0 -%}
server {{ server_name }} {{ address }} cookie {{ server_name }} check inter 3s rise 1 fall 2 maxqueue 5 maxconn {{ connection_count }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- if not has_webdav and server_check_path %}
option httpchk GET {{ server_check_path }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{% import "caucase" as caucase with context %}
{% set part_list = [] -%}
{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
{% set ssl_parameter_dict = slapparameter_dict['ssl'] -%}
{% set frontend_caucase_url_list = ssl_parameter_dict.get('frontend-caucase-url-list', []) -%}
{% set shared_ca_path = slapparameter_dict.get('shared-certificate-authority-path') -%}
XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv4 and (if ipv6 is used) one IPv6
per partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
{% set apache_ip_list = [ipv4] -%}
{% if ipv6_set -%}
{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
{% do apache_ip_list.append('[' ~ ipv6 ~ ']') -%}
{% endif -%}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
{{ caucase.updater(
max_sleep=ssl_parameter_dict.get('max-crl-update-delay', 1.0),
openssl=parameter_dict['openssl'] ~ '/bin/openssl',
{% do section('caucase-updater') -%}
{% set haproxy_dict = {} -%}
{% set apache_dict = {} -%}
{% set zope_virtualhost_monster_backend_dict = {} %}
{% set test_runner_url_dict = {} %} {# family_name => list of URLs #}
{% set next_port = itertools.count(slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port']).next -%}
{% for family_name, parameter_id_list in sorted(
slapparameter_dict['zope-family-dict'].iteritems()) -%}
{% set zope_family_address_list = [] -%}
{% set ssl_authentication = slapparameter_dict['ssl-authentication-dict'].get(family_name, False) -%}
{% set has_webdav = [] -%}
{% for parameter_id in parameter_id_list -%}
{% set zope_address_list = slapparameter_dict[parameter_id] -%}
{% for zope_address, maxconn, webdav in zope_address_list -%}
{% if webdav -%}
{% do has_webdav.append(None) %}
{% endif -%}
{% set zope_effective_address = zope_address -%}
{% do zope_family_address_list.append((zope_effective_address, maxconn, webdav)) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{# # Generate entries with rewrite rule for test runnners #}
{% set test_runner_address_list = slapparameter_dict.get(parameter_id ~ '-test-runner-address-list', []) %}
{% if test_runner_address_list -%}
{% set test_runner_backend_mapping = {} %}
{% set test_runner_balancer_url_list = [] %}
{% set test_runner_external_port = next_port() %}
{% for i, (test_runner_internal_ip, test_runner_internal_port) in enumerate(test_runner_address_list) %}
{% do test_runner_backend_mapping.__setitem__(
'unit_test_' ~ i,
'http://' ~ test_runner_internal_ip ~ ':' ~ test_runner_internal_port ) %}
{% do test_runner_balancer_url_list.append(
'https://' ~ ipv4 ~ ':' ~ test_runner_external_port ~ '/unit_test_' ~ i ~ '/' ) %}
{% endfor %}
{% do zope_virtualhost_monster_backend_dict.__setitem__(
(ipv4, test_runner_external_port),
( ssl_authentication, test_runner_backend_mapping ) ) -%}
{% do test_runner_url_dict.__setitem__(family_name, test_runner_balancer_url_list) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{# Make rendering fail artificially if any family has no known backend.
# This is useful as haproxy's hot-reconfiguration mechanism is
# supervisord-incompatible.
# As jinja2 postpones KeyError until place-holder value is actually used,
# do a no-op getitem.
{% do zope_family_address_list[0][0] -%}
{% set haproxy_port = next_port() -%}
{% set backend_path = slapparameter_dict['backend-path-dict'][family_name] -%}
{% do haproxy_dict.__setitem__(family_name, (haproxy_port, zope_family_address_list)) -%}
{% if has_webdav -%}
{% set internal_scheme = 'http' -%}{# mod_rewrite does not recognise webdav scheme -#}
{% set external_scheme = 'webdavs' -%}
{% else %}
{% set internal_scheme = 'http' -%}
{% set external_scheme = 'https' -%}
{% endif -%}
{% do apache_dict.__setitem__(family_name, (next_port(), external_scheme, internal_scheme ~ '://' ~ ipv4 ~ ':' ~ haproxy_port ~ backend_path, slapparameter_dict['ssl-authentication-dict'].get(family_name, False))) -%}
{% endfor -%}
socket-path = ${directory:run}/haproxy.sock
server-check-path = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict['haproxy-server-check-path']) }}
backend-dict = {{ dumps(haproxy_dict) }}
ip = {{ ipv4 }}
< = jinja2-template-base
url = {{ parameter_dict['template-haproxy-cfg'] }}
output = ${directory:etc}/haproxy.cfg
context = section parameter_dict haproxy-cfg-parameter-dict
extensions =
[{{ section('haproxy') }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/haproxy
command-line = "{{ parameter_dict['haproxy'] }}/sbin/haproxy" -f "${haproxy-cfg:output}"
hash-files = ${haproxy-cfg:output}
cert = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.crt
key = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.pem
# XXX caucase certificate is not supported by caddy for now
caucase-cert = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-caucase.crt
caucase-key = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-caucase.pem
ca-cert = ${directory:apache-conf}/ca.crt
crl = ${directory:apache-conf}/crl.pem
< = jinja2-template-base
inline = {{ '{{ content }}' }}
{% macro simplefile(section_name, file_path, content, mode='') -%}
{% set content_section_name = section_name ~ '-content' -%}
[{{ content_section_name }}]
content = {{ dumps(content) }}
[{{ section(section_name) }}]
< = simplefile
output = {{ file_path }}
context = key content {{content_section_name}}:content
mode = {{ mode }}
{%- endmacro %}
{% if ssl_parameter_dict.get('key') -%}
key = ${apache-ssl-key:output}
cert = ${apache-ssl-cert:output}
{{ simplefile('apache-ssl-key', '${apache-conf-ssl:key}', ssl_parameter_dict['key']) }}
{{ simplefile('apache-ssl-cert', '${apache-conf-ssl:cert}', ssl_parameter_dict['cert']) }}
{% else %}
recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = "{{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl" req -newkey rsa -batch -new -sha256 -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout "${:key}" -out "${:cert}"
key = ${apache-conf-ssl:key}
cert = ${apache-conf-ssl:cert}
{%- endif %}
backend-list = {{ dumps(apache_dict.values()) }}
zope-virtualhost-monster-backend-dict = {{ dumps(zope_virtualhost_monster_backend_dict) }}
ip-list = {{ dumps(apache_ip_list) }}
pid-file = ${directory:run}/
log-dir = ${directory:log}
error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-error.log
access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-access.log
# Apache 2.4's default value (60 seconds) can be a bit too short
timeout = 300
# Basic SSL server configuration
cert = ${apache-ssl:cert}
key = ${apache-ssl:key}
cipher =
ssl-session-cache = ${directory:log}/apache-ssl-session-cache
# Client x509 auth
ca-cert = ${apache-conf-ssl:ca-cert}
crl = ${apache-conf-ssl:crl}
{% if shared_ca_path -%}
shared-ca-cert = {{ shared_ca_path }}/cacert.pem
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('check-crl') -%}
shared-crl = {{ shared_ca_path }}/crl
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
< = jinja2-template-base
url = {{ parameter_dict['template-apache-conf'] }}
output = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.conf
context = section parameter_dict apache-conf-parameter-dict
[{{ section('apache') }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/apache
command-line = "{{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd" -f "${apache-conf:output}" -DFOREGROUND
wait-for-files =
recipe = collective.recipe.template
output = ${directory:bin}/apache-httpd-graceful
mode = 700
input = inline:
kill -USR1 "$(cat '${apache-conf-parameter-dict:pid-file}')"
[{{ section('apache-promise') }}]
# Check any apache port in ipv4, expect other ports and ipv6 to behave consistently
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_socket_listening
name =
config-host = {{ ipv4 }}
config-port = {{ apache_dict.values()[0][0] }}
[{{ section('publish') }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
{% for family_name, (apache_port, scheme, _, _) in apache_dict.items() -%}
{{ family_name ~ '-v6' }} = {% if ipv6_set %}{{ scheme ~ '://[' ~ ipv6 ~ ']:' ~ apache_port }}{% endif %}
{{ family_name }} = {{ scheme ~ '://' ~ ipv4 ~ ':' ~ apache_port }}
{% endfor -%}
{% for family_name, test_runner_url_list in test_runner_url_dict.items() -%}
{{ family_name ~ '-test-runner-url-list' }} = {{ dumps(test_runner_url_list) }}
{% endfor -%}
monitor-base-url = ${monitor-publish-parameters:monitor-base-url}
{% set apache_service_log_list = {} -%}
{% for family_name, (_, _, _, authentication) in apache_dict.items() -%}
{% if authentication -%}
{% set base_name = 'apache-' ~ family_name -%}
{% do part_list.append('logrotate-' ~ base_name) -%}
{% do apache_service_log_list.__setitem__(family_name, base_name) -%}
[logrotate-{{ base_name }}]
< = logrotate-entry-base
name = {{ base_name }}
log = ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:log-dir}/{{ base_name }}-error.log ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:log-dir}/{{ base_name }}-access.log
post = test ! -s ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:pid-file} || {{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:pid-file} -s USR1
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
[{{ section('logrotate-apache') }}]
< = logrotate-entry-base
name = apache
log = ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:error-log} ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:access-log}
post = test ! -s ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:pid-file} || {{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:pid-file} -s USR1
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
apache-conf = ${:etc}/apache
bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
services = ${:etc}/run
services-on-watch = ${:etc}/service
var = ${buildout:directory}/var
run = ${:var}/run
log = ${:var}/log
srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
ca-dir = ${buildout:directory}/srv/ssl
requests = ${:ca-dir}/requests
private = ${:ca-dir}/private
certs = ${:ca-dir}/certs
newcerts = ${:ca-dir}/newcerts
crl = ${:ca-dir}/crl
apachedex = ${monitor-directory:private}/apachedex
[{{ section('resiliency-exclude-file') }}]
# Generate rdiff exclude file in case of resiliency
< = jinja2-template-base
inline = {{ '{{ "${directory:log}/**\\n" }}' }}
output = ${directory:srv}/exporter.exclude
[{{ section('monitor-generate-apachedex-report') }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
cron-entries = ${cron:cron-entries}
name = generate-apachedex-report
# The goal is to be executed before logrotate log rotation.
# Here, logrotate-entry-base:frequency = daily, so we run at 23 o'clock every day.
frequency = 0 23 * * *
command = ${monitor-generate-apachedex-report-wrapper:wrapper-path}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/${:command}
command-line = "{{ parameter_dict['run-apachedex-location'] }}" "{{ parameter_dict['apachedex-location'] }}" "${directory:apachedex}" ${monitor-publish-parameters:monitor-base-url}/private/apachedex --apache-log-list "${apachedex-parameters:apache-log-list}" --configuration ${apachedex-parameters:configuration}
command = generate-apachedex-report
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
output = ${directory:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
inline =
{% for line in slapparameter_dict['apachedex-configuration'] %}
{# apachedex config files use shlex.split, so we need to quote the arguments. #}
{# BBB: in python 3 we can use shlex.quote instead. #}
{{ repr(line.encode('utf-8')) }}
{% endfor %}
apache-log-list = ${apache-conf-parameter-dict:access-log}
configuration = ${monitor-apachedex-report-config:output}
promise-threshold = {{ slapparameter_dict['apachedex-promise-threshold'] }}
[{{ section('monitor-promise-apachedex-result') }}]
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_command_execute
name =
config-command = "{{ parameter_dict['promise-check-apachedex-result'] }}" --apachedex_path "${directory:apachedex}" --status_file ${monitor-directory:private}/ --threshold "${apachedex-parameters:promise-threshold}"
[{{ section('promise-check-computer-memory') }}]
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_command_execute
name =
config-command = "{{ parameter_dict["check-computer-memory-binary"] }}" -db ${monitor-instance-parameter:collector-db} --threshold "{{ slapparameter_dict["computer-memory-percent-threshold"] }}" --unit percent
monitor-httpd-ipv6 = {{ (ipv6_set | list)[0] }}
monitor-httpd-port = {{ next_port() }}
monitor-title = {{ slapparameter_dict['name'] }}
password = {{ slapparameter_dict['monitor-passwd'] }}
extends =
{{ template_monitor }}
parts +=
{{ part_list | join('\n ') }}
{% import "root_common" as root_common with context -%}
{% import "caucase" as caucase with context %}
{% set frontend_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('frontend', {}) -%}
{% set has_frontend = frontend_dict.get('software-url', '') != '' -%}
{% set site_id = slapparameter_dict.get('site-id', 'erp5') -%}
{% set inituser_login = slapparameter_dict.get('inituser-login', 'zope') -%}
{% set publish_dict = {'site-id': site_id, 'inituser-login': inituser_login} -%}
{% set has_posftix = slapparameter_dict.get('smtp', {}).get('postmaster') -%}
{% set jupyter_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('jupyter', {}) -%}
{% set has_jupyter = jupyter_dict.get('enable', jupyter_enable_default.lower() in ('true', 'yes')) -%}
{% set jupyter_zope_family = jupyter_dict.get('zope-family', '') -%}
{% set wcfs_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('wcfs', {}) -%}
{% set wcfs_enable = wcfs_dict.get('enable', wcfs_enable_default.lower() in ('true', 'yes')) -%}
{% set test_runner_enabled = slapparameter_dict.get('test-runner', {}).get('enabled', True) -%}
{% set test_runner_node_count = slapparameter_dict.get('test-runner', {}).get('node-count', 3) -%}
{% set test_runner_extra_database_count = slapparameter_dict.get('test-runner', {}).get('extra-database-count', 3) -%}
{% set test_runner_total_database_count = test_runner_node_count * (1 + test_runner_extra_database_count) -%}
{# Backward compatibility for mariadb.test-database-amount #}
{% set mariadb_test_database_amount = slapparameter_dict.get('mariadb', {}).get('test-database-amount') -%}
{% if mariadb_test_database_amount is not none -%}
{% set test_runner_total_database_count = mariadb_test_database_amount %}
{% set test_runner_enabled = mariadb_test_database_amount > 0 %}
{% endif -%}
{# Backward compatibility for cloudooo-url #}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('cloudooo-url') -%}
{% do slapparameter_dict.setdefault('cloudooo-url-list', slapparameter_dict['cloudooo-url'].split(',')) %}
{% endif -%}
{% set test_runner_random_activity_priority = slapparameter_dict.get('test-runner', {}).get('random-activity-priority') -%}
{% set monitor_base_url_dict = {} -%}
{% set monitor_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('monitor', {}) %}
{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
{% set partition_thread_count_list = [] -%}
{% set zope_partition_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('zope-partition-dict', {'1': {}}) -%}
{% set zope_family_override_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('family-override', {}) -%}
{% for zope_parameter_dict in zope_partition_dict.values() -%}
{# Apply some zope_parameter_dict default values, to avoid duplication. -#}
{% do zope_parameter_dict.setdefault('thread-amount', 4) -%}
{% do zope_parameter_dict.setdefault('instance-count', 1) -%}
{% do partition_thread_count_list.append(zope_parameter_dict['thread-amount'] * zope_parameter_dict['instance-count']) -%}
{% endfor -%}
<= request-common-base
config-use-ipv6 = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False)) }}
config-computer-memory-percent-threshold = {{ dumps(monitor_dict.get('computer-memory-percent-threshold', 80)) }}
{% set caucase_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('caucase', {}) -%}
{% set caucase_url = caucase_dict.get('url', '') -%}
{% macro request(name, software_type, config_key, config, ret={'url': True}, key_config={}) -%}
{% do config.update(slapparameter_dict.get(config_key, {})) -%}
{% set section = 'request-' ~ name -%}
[{{ section }}]
<= request-common
name = {{ name }}
software-type = {{ software_type }}
return = {{ ' '.join(ret) }}
{% for ret, publish in ret.iteritems() -%}
{% if publish -%}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__(name ~ '-' ~ ret, '${' ~ section ~ ':connection-' ~ ret ~ '}') %}
{% endif -%}
{% if ret == "monitor-base-url" -%}
{% do monitor_base_url_dict.__setitem__(section, '${' ~ section ~ ':connection-' ~ ret ~ '}') -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{{ root_common.sla(name) }}
{% for k, v in config.iteritems() -%}
config-{{ k }} = {{ dumps(v) }}
{% endfor -%}
{% for k, v in key_config.iteritems() -%}
config-{{ k }} = {{ '${' ~ v ~ '}' }}
{% endfor -%}
config-name = {{ name }}
{% endmacro -%}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
service-on-watch = ${buildout:directory}/etc/service
srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
backup-caucased = ${:srv}/backup/caucased
{% if not caucase_url -%}
{% if use_ipv6 -%}
{% set caucase_host = '[' ~ (ipv6_set | list)[0] ~ ']' %}
{%- else -%}
{% set caucase_host = (ipv4_set | list)[0] %}
{%- endif %}
{% set caucase_port = caucase_dict.get('base-port', 8890) -%}
{% set caucase_netloc = caucase_host ~ ':' ~ caucase_port -%}
{% set caucase_url = 'http://' ~ caucase_netloc -%}
{{ caucase.caucased(
service_auto_approve_count=caucase_dict.get('service-auto-approve-amount', 1),
user_auto_approve_count=caucase_dict.get('user-auto-approve-amount', 0),
key_len=caucase_dict.get('key-length', 2048),
{% do root_common.section('caucased') -%}
{% do root_common.section('caucased-promise') -%}
{% endif -%}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__('caucase-http-url', caucase_url) -%}
{% set balancer_dict = slapparameter_dict.setdefault('balancer', {}) -%}
{% do balancer_dict.setdefault('ssl', {}).setdefault('caucase-url', caucase_url) -%}
{% do balancer_dict.setdefault('tcpv4-port', 2150) -%}
{% do balancer_dict.__setitem__('haproxy-server-check-path', balancer_dict.get('haproxy-server-check-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id}) -%}
{% set routing_path_template_field_dict = {"site-id": site_id} -%}
{% macro expandRoutingPath(output, input) -%}
{% for outer_prefix, inner_prefix in input -%}
{% do output.append((outer_prefix, inner_prefix % routing_path_template_field_dict)) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endmacro -%}
{% set path_routing_list = [] -%}
{% do expandRoutingPath(
(('/', '/'), ),
) -%}
{% do balancer_dict.__setitem__('path-routing-list', path_routing_list) -%}
{% set family_path_routing_dict = {} -%}
{% for name, family_path_routing_list in balancer_dict.get(
).items() -%}
{% set path_routing_list = [] -%}
{% do expandRoutingPath(path_routing_list, family_path_routing_list) -%}
{% do family_path_routing_dict.__setitem__(name, path_routing_list) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% do balancer_dict.__setitem__('family-path-routing-dict', family_path_routing_dict) -%}
{{ request('memcached-persistent', 'kumofs', 'kumofs', {'tcpv4-port': 2000}, {'url': True, 'monitor-base-url': False}, key_config={'monitor-passwd': 'monitor-htpasswd:passwd'}) }}
{{ request('memcached-volatile', 'kumofs', 'memcached', {'tcpv4-port': 2010, 'ram-storage-size': 64}, {'url': True, 'monitor-base-url': False}, key_config={'monitor-passwd': 'monitor-htpasswd:passwd'}) }}
{# Notes on max-connection-count: On a standard ERP5, each transaction
can have 4 connections to mariadb: activities, catalog, deferred and
transactionless. Count 5 to have some headroom. Multiply by the total
number of zope threads for all processes from all partitions to get the
expected number of connections. Add 50 for have some more zope-independent
headroom (automated probes, replication, ...).
{{ request('mariadb', 'mariadb', 'mariadb',
'tcpv4-port': 2099,
'max-slowqueries-threshold': monitor_dict.get('max-slowqueries-threshold', 1000),
'slowest-query-threshold': monitor_dict.get('slowest-query-threshold', ''),
'test-database-amount': test_runner_total_database_count,
'max-connection-count': sum(partition_thread_count_list) * 5 + 50,
'database-list': True,
'test-database-list': True,
'monitor-base-url': False,
key_config={'monitor-passwd': 'monitor-htpasswd:passwd'},
) }}
{% if has_posftix -%}
{{ request('smtp', 'postfix', 'smtp', {'tcpv4-port': 2025, 'smtpd-sasl-user': 'erp5@nowhere'}, key_config={'smtpd-sasl-password': 'publish-early:smtpd-sasl-password', 'monitor-passwd': 'monitor-htpasswd:passwd'}) }}
{%- else %}
# Placeholder smtp service URL
connection-url = smtp://
{%- endif %}
{# ZODB -#}
{% set zodb_dict = {} -%}
{% set storage_dict = {} -%}
{% set mountpoints = set() -%}
{% for zodb in slapparameter_dict.get('zodb') or ({'type': 'zeo', 'server': {}},) -%}
{% do mountpoints.add(zodb.setdefault('mount-point', '/')) -%}
{% set name = zodb.pop('name', 'root') -%}
{% do assert(name not in zodb_dict, name, zodb_dict) -%}
{% do zodb_dict.__setitem__(name, zodb) -%}
{% if 'server' in zodb -%}
{% do storage_dict.setdefault(zodb['type'], {}).__setitem__(name, zodb.pop('server')) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% do assert(len(mountpoints) == len(zodb_dict)) -%}
{% set neo = [] -%}
{% for server_type, server_dict in storage_dict.iteritems() -%}
{% if server_type == 'neo' -%}
{% set ((name, server_dict),) = server_dict.items() -%}
{% do neo.append(server_dict.get('cluster')) -%}
{% do server_dict.update(cluster='${publish-early:neo-cluster}') -%}
{{ root_common.request_neo(server_dict, 'zodb-neo', 'neo-', monitor_base_url_dict) }}
{% set client_dict = zodb_dict[name].setdefault('storage-dict', {}) -%}
{% for k in 'ssl', '_ca', '_cert', '_key' -%}
{% do k in server_dict and client_dict.setdefault(k, server_dict[k]) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
{{ assert(server_type == 'zeo', server_type) -}}
{# BBB: for compatibility, keep 'zodb' as partition_reference for ZEO -#}
{{ request('zodb', 'zodb-' ~ server_type, 'zodb-' ~ server_type, {'tcpv4-port': 2100, 'zodb-dict': server_dict}, dict.fromkeys(('storage-dict', 'tidstorage-ip', 'tidstorage-port', 'monitor-base-url')), key_config={'monitor-passwd': 'monitor-htpasswd:passwd'}) }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
config-zodb-dict = {{ dumps(zodb_dict) }}
{% for server_type, server_dict in storage_dict.iteritems() -%}
{% if server_type == 'neo' -%}
config-neo-cluster = ${publish-early:neo-cluster}
config-neo-name = {{ server_dict.keys()[0] }}
config-neo-masters = ${publish-early:neo-masters}
{% else -%}
config-zodb-zeo = ${request-zodb:connection-storage-dict}
config-tidstorage-ip = ${request-zodb:connection-tidstorage-ip}
config-tidstorage-port = ${request-zodb:connection-tidstorage-port}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% set zope_address_list_id_dict = {} -%}
{% if zope_partition_dict -%}
<= request-common
return =
{%- if test_runner_enabled %}
{% endif %}
{% set bt5_default_list = [
] -%}
{% if has_jupyter -%}
{% do bt5_default_list.append('erp5_data_notebook') -%}
{% endif -%}
config-bt5 = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('bt5', ' '.join(bt5_default_list))) }}
config-bt5-repository-url = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('bt5-repository-url', local_bt5_repository)) }}
config-cloudooo-url-list = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('cloudooo-url-list', default_cloudooo_url_list)) }}
config-caucase-url = {{ dumps(caucase_url) }}
config-deadlock-debugger-password = ${publish-early:deadlock-debugger-password}
config-developer-list = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('developer-list', [inituser_login])) }}
config-selenium-server-configuration-dict = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('selenium-server-configuration-dict', {})) }}
config-hosts-dict = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('hosts-dict', {})) }}
config-computer-hosts-dict = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('computer-hosts-dict', {})) }}
config-hostalias-dict = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('hostalias-dict', {})) }}
config-id-store-interval = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('id-store-interval')) }}
config-zope-longrequest-logger-error-threshold = {{ dumps(monitor_dict.get('zope-longrequest-logger-error-threshold', 20)) }}
config-zope-longrequest-logger-maximum-delay = {{ dumps(monitor_dict.get('zope-longrequest-logger-maximum-delay', 0)) }}
config-inituser-login = {{ dumps(inituser_login) }}
config-inituser-password-hashed = ${publish-early:inituser-password-hashed}
config-kumofs-url = ${request-memcached-persistent:connection-url}
config-memcached-url = ${request-memcached-volatile:connection-url}
config-monitor-passwd = ${monitor-htpasswd:passwd}
config-mysql-test-url-list = ${request-mariadb:connection-test-database-list}
config-mysql-url-list = ${request-mariadb:connection-database-list}
config-python-hash-seed = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('python-hash-seed', '')) }}
config-site-id = {{ dumps(site_id) }}
config-smtp-url = ${request-smtp:connection-url}
config-timezone = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('timezone', 'UTC')) }}
config-cloudooo-retry-count = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('cloudooo-retry-count', 2) }}
config-wendelin-core-zblk-fmt = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('wendelin-core-zblk-fmt', '')) }}
config-test-runner-enabled = {{ dumps(test_runner_enabled) }}
config-test-runner-node-count = {{ dumps(test_runner_node_count) }}
config-test-runner-random-activity-priority = {{ dumps(test_runner_random_activity_priority) }}
config-wcfs_enable = {{ dumps(wcfs_enable) }}
config-test-runner-configuration = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('test-runner', {})) }}
software-type = zope
{% set global_publisher_timeout = slapparameter_dict.get('publisher-timeout') -%}
{% set global_activity_timeout = slapparameter_dict.get('activity-timeout') -%}
{% set zope_family_dict = {} -%}
{% set zope_family_name_list = [] -%}
{% set zope_backend_path_dict = {} -%}
{% set ssl_authentication_dict = {} -%}
{% set jupyter_zope_family_default = [] -%}
{% for custom_name, zope_parameter_dict in zope_partition_dict.items() -%}
{% set partition_name = 'zope-' ~ custom_name -%}
{% set section_name = 'request-' ~ partition_name -%}
{% set promise_software_url_section_name = 'promise-software-url' ~ partition_name -%}
{% set zope_family = zope_parameter_dict.get('family', 'default') -%}
{% do zope_family_name_list.append(zope_family) %}
{% set backend_path = zope_parameter_dict.get('backend-path', '') % {'site-id': site_id} %}
{# # default jupyter zope family is first zope family. -#}
{# # use list.append() to update it, because in jinja2 set changes only local scope. -#}
{% if not jupyter_zope_family_default -%}
{% do jupyter_zope_family_default.append(zope_family) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% do zope_family_dict.setdefault(zope_family, []).append(section_name) -%}
{% do zope_backend_path_dict.__setitem__(zope_family, backend_path) -%}
{% do ssl_authentication_dict.__setitem__(zope_family, zope_parameter_dict.get('ssl-authentication', False)) -%}
{% set current_zope_family_override_dict = zope_family_override_dict.get(zope_family, {}) -%}
[{{ section_name }}]
<= request-zope-base
name = {{ partition_name }}
{% do monitor_base_url_dict.__setitem__(section_name, '${' ~ section_name ~ ':connection-monitor-base-url}') -%}
{{ root_common.sla(partition_name) }}
config-name = {{ dumps(custom_name) }}
config-instance-count = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict['instance-count']) }}
config-private-dev-shm = {{ zope_parameter_dict.get('private-dev-shm', '') }}
config-thread-amount = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict['thread-amount']) }}
config-timerserver-interval = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('timerserver-interval', 5)) }}
config-longrequest-logger-interval = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('longrequest-logger-interval', -1)) }}
config-longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('longrequest-logger-timeout', 1)) }}
config-large-file-threshold = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('large-file-threshold', "10MB")) }}
config-port-base = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('port-base', 2200)) }}
config-with-max-rlimit-nofile = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('with-max-rlimit-nofile', false)) }}
{# BBB: zope_parameter_dict used to contain 'webdav', so fallback to it -#}
config-webdav = {{ dumps(current_zope_family_override_dict.get('webdav', zope_parameter_dict.get('webdav', False))) }}
config-xml-rpc = {{ dumps(current_zope_family_override_dict.get('xml-rpc', False)) }}
config-publisher-timeout = {{ dumps(current_zope_family_override_dict.get('publisher-timeout', global_publisher_timeout)) }}
config-activity-timeout = {{ dumps(current_zope_family_override_dict.get('activity-timeout', global_activity_timeout)) }}
{% if test_runner_enabled -%}
config-test-runner-balancer-url-list = ${publish-early:{{ zope_family }}-test-runner-url-list}
[{{ promise_software_url_section_name }}]
# Promise to wait for zope partition to use the expected software URL,
# used on upgrades.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_parameter
value = {{ '${' ~ section_name ~ ':connection-software-release-url}' }}
expected-not-value =
expected-value = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
path = ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
{% do root_common.section(promise_software_url_section_name) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{# if not explicitly configured, connect jupyter to first zope family, which -#}
{# will be 'default' if zope families are not configured also -#}
{% if not jupyter_zope_family and jupyter_zope_family_default -%}
{% set jupyter_zope_family = jupyter_zope_family_default[0] -%}
{% endif -%}
{# We need to concatenate lists that we cannot read as lists, so this gets hairy. -#}
{% set zope_family_parameter_dict = {} -%}
{% for family_name, zope_section_id_list in zope_family_dict.items() -%}
{% for zope_section_id in zope_section_id_list -%}
{% set parameter_name = 'zope-family-entry-' ~ zope_section_id -%}
{% do zope_address_list_id_dict.__setitem__(zope_section_id, parameter_name) -%}
{% do zope_family_parameter_dict.setdefault(family_name, []).append(parameter_name) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if has_frontend -%}
{% set frontend_name = 'frontend-' ~ family_name -%}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__('family-' ~ family_name, '${' ~ frontend_name ~ ':connection-site_url}' ) -%}
[{{ frontend_name }}]
<= request-frontend-base
name = {{ frontend_name }}
config-url = ${request-balancer:connection-{{ family_name }}-v6}
{% else -%}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__('family-' ~ family_name, '${request-balancer:connection-' ~ family_name ~ '}' ) -%}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__('family-' ~ family_name ~ '-v6', '${request-balancer:connection-' ~ family_name ~ '-v6}' ) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if has_jupyter -%}
{# request jupyter connected to balancer of proper zope family -#}
{{ request('jupyter', 'jupyter', 'jupyter', {}, key_config={'erp5-url': 'request-balancer:connection-' ~ jupyter_zope_family}) }}
{% if has_frontend -%}
<= request-frontend-base
name = frontend-jupyter
config-url = ${request-jupyter:connection-url}
{# # override jupyter-url in publish_dict with frontend address -#}
{% do publish_dict.__setitem__('jupyter-url', '${frontend-jupyter:connection-site_url}') -%}
{% endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{% if wcfs_enable -%}
{# request WCFS connected to ZODB -#}
{% do root_common.section('request-wcfs') -%}
{{ request('wcfs', 'wcfs', 'wcfs', {}, {}) }}
<= request-common
{%- endif %}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('shared-certificate-authority-path', '') -%}
ca-dir = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('shared-certificate-authority-path') }}
{% else -%}
ca-dir = ${buildout:directory}/srv/ssl
{% endif -%}
bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
tmp = ${buildout:directory}/tmp
services = ${:etc}/run
requests = ${:ca-dir}/requests
private = ${:ca-dir}/private
certs = ${:ca-dir}/certs
newcerts = ${:ca-dir}/newcerts
crl = ${:ca-dir}/crl
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
openssl-binary = {{ openssl_location }}/bin/openssl
ca-dir = ${directory:ca-dir}
requests-directory = ${directory:requests}
wrapper = ${directory:services}/service-ca
ca-private = ${directory:private}
ca-certs = ${directory:certs}
ca-newcerts = ${directory:newcerts}
ca-crl = ${directory:crl}
country-code = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('country-code', 'ZZ')) }}
email = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('email', '')) }}
state = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('state', "('State',)")) }}
city = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('city', 'City')) }}
company = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('company', 'Compagny')) }}
# XXX - Big hack: Change access for certificate authority configuration
# To allow apache to read openssl.cnf in this folder
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = true
command =
chmod 644 ${apache-certificate-authority:ca-dir}/openssl.cnf
update-command = ${:command}
<= request-common
name = balancer
software-type = balancer
{{ root_common.sla('balancer') }}
return =
{%- for family in zope_family_dict %}
{{ family }}
{{ family }}-v6
{% if test_runner_enabled %}
{{ family }}-test-runner-url-list
{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}
{% do monitor_base_url_dict.__setitem__('request-balancer', '${' ~ 'request-balancer' ~ ':connection-monitor-base-url}') -%}
config-zope-family-dict = {{ dumps(zope_family_parameter_dict) }}
config-frontend-parameter-dict = {{ dumps({}) }}
config-tcpv4-port = {{ dumps(balancer_dict.get('tcpv4-port', 2150)) }}
{% for zope_section_id, name in zope_address_list_id_dict.items() -%}
config-{{ name }} = {{ ' ${' ~ zope_section_id ~ ':connection-zope-address-list}' }}
{% if test_runner_enabled -%}
config-{{ name }}-test-runner-address-list = {{ ' ${' ~ zope_section_id ~ ':connection-test-runner-address-list}' }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
# XXX: should those really be same for all families ?
config-haproxy-server-check-path = {{ dumps(balancer_dict.get('haproxy-server-check-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id}) }}
config-monitor-passwd = ${monitor-htpasswd:passwd}
config-ssl = {{ dumps(balancer_dict['ssl']) }}
config-name = ${:name}
config-shared-certificate-authority-path = ${directory:ca-dir}
config-check-crl = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('check-crl', True)) }}
config-backend-path-dict = {{ dumps(zope_backend_path_dict) }}
config-ssl-authentication-dict = {{ dumps(ssl_authentication_dict) }}
config-apachedex-promise-threshold = {{ dumps(monitor_dict.get('apachedex-promise-threshold', 70)) }}
config-apachedex-configuration = {{
'--erp5-base', '+erp5', '.*/VirtualHostRoot/erp5(/|\\?|$)',
'--base', '+other', '/',
'--skip-user-agent', 'Zabbix',
'--quiet'])) }}
{% if has_frontend -%}
<= request-common
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
software-url = {{ dumps(frontend_dict['software-url']) }}
software-type = {{ dumps(frontend_dict.get('software-type', 'default')) }}
{{ root_common.sla('frontend', True) }}
shared = true
{% set config_dict = {
'type': 'zope',
} -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('domain') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('custom_domain', frontend_dict['domain']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('virtualhostroot-http-port') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('virtualhostroot-http-port', frontend_dict['virtualhostroot-http-port']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('virtualhostroot-https-port') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('virtualhostroot-https-port', frontend_dict['virtualhostroot-https-port']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% for name, value in config_dict.items() -%}
config-{{ name }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor -%}
return = site_url
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}{# if zope_partition_dict -#}
<= monitor-publish
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
-extends = publish-early
{% if zope_address_list_id_dict -%}
Pick any published hosts-dict, they are expected to be identical - and there is
no way to check here.
hosts-dict = {{ '${' ~ zope_address_list_id_dict.keys()[0] ~ ':connection-hosts-dict}' }}
{% endif -%}
{% for name, value in publish_dict.items() -%}
{{ name }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor -%}
{% if test_runner_enabled -%}
{% for zope_family_name in zope_family_name_list -%}
{{ zope_family_name }}-test-runner-url-list = ${request-balancer:connection-{{ zope_family_name }}-test-runner-url-list}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish-early
-init =
inituser-password gen-password:passwd
inituser-password-hashed gen-password:passwd-ldap-salted-sha1
deadlock-debugger-password gen-deadlock-debugger-password:passwd
{%- if has_posftix %}
smtpd-sasl-password gen-smtpd-sasl-password:passwd
{%- endif %}
{%- if test_runner_enabled %}
{%- for zope_family_name in zope_family_name_list %}
{{ zope_family_name }}-test-runner-url-list default-balancer-test-runner-url-list:{{ zope_family_name }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if neo %}
neo-cluster gen-neo-cluster:name
neo-admins neo-cluster:admins
neo-masters neo-cluster:masters
{%- if neo[0] %}
neo-cluster = {{ dumps(neo[0]) }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set deadlock_debugger_password = slapparameter_dict.get('deadlock-debugger-password') -%}
{%- if deadlock_debugger_password %}
deadlock-debugger-password = {{ dumps(deadlock_debugger_password) }}
{% endif %}
{%- if test_runner_enabled %}
recipe =
{%- for zope_family_name in zope_family_name_list %}
{{ zope_family_name }} = not-ready
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password
storage-path =
{%- set inituser_password = slapparameter_dict.get('inituser-password') %}
{%- if inituser_password %}
passwd = {{ dumps(inituser_password) }}
{%- endif %}
<= gen-password
<= gen-password
name = neo-${gen-neo-cluster-base:passwd}
< = gen-password
{{ root_common.common_section() }}
monitor-title = ERP5
password = ${monitor-htpasswd:passwd}
{% for key, value in monitor_base_url_dict.items() -%}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
extends =
wcfs-enable-default = true
......@@ -43,23 +42,3 @@ dummy +=
extra-paths +=
### Overwrite recipes to introduce customized changes
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
< = download-base-part
filename =
< = download-base-part
filename =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
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