• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    fixup! software/ors-amarisoft: remove redundant netconf supervision subsciption · f9819ca1
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    - remove no longer used ru/lopcomm/supervision.jinja2.py
    - restore removed `+ keep on touching RU watchdog` comment.
      Now it relates to ru/lopcomm/stats which became responsible for this function.
    - move code of RU-netconf-connection promise to be located nearby stats service
      because this promise interacts with that service, and grouping code by
      interaction makes it easier to understand for humans. Previously
      RU-netconf-connection was interacting with supervision service whcsh is gone
      after the patch in question.
    - use double vertical space to delimit logical sections from each other.
    open questions:
    - before the patch in question stats code was reconnecting after each error
      with 10 seconds pause. Now it logs it wants to reconnect but does _not_
      because top-level `while True` was removed. Was that intended?
      If it was not the intent then new stats code will fail after any single error
      and won't reconnect to RU by itself.
    /reviewed-by @lu.xu
    /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!1483
libinstance.jinja2.cfg 7.49 KB