Commit e13b962d authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Step to update software_instance_uid with a related Slave Instance

parent 7747b9d1
......@@ -6064,6 +6064,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebService(testVifibMixin):
self.assertEquals(sale_packing_list_line, None)
def stepSelectSlaveInstanceFromOneComputerPartition(self, sequence):
slave_instance = self._getSlaveInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition(sequence)
sequence['software_instance_uid'] = slave_instance.getUid()
def stepCheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition(self, sequence):
computer_guid = sequence["computer_reference"]
self.slap = slap.slap()
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