• Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    [feat] zc.recipe.egg: Support on the fly patches. · 64f39eb1
    Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
    - Support on the fly patches in zc.recipe.egg by ``EGGNAME-patches``,
      ``EGGNAME-patch-options``, ``EGGNAME-patch-binary`` (or
      ``patch-binary``) and ``EGGNAME-patch-revision`` options.
    - Support on the fly patches in zc.recipe.egg:custom by ``patches``,
      ``patch-options``, ``patch-binary`` and ``patch-revision`` options.
      (options ``EGGNAME-*`` are also supported as well).
    Specified patches are automatically applied on required eggs as well.
    This fixes cache of patches.
    Clean-up + fix issue found at slapos!1674
easy_install.py 67.5 KB