Commit cfceef59 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

slapos_cloud: Include frontend default compatibility

Old software releases may have one old frontend url which leads to no software, this change allows others masters keep their own frontend configuration with existing software releases.
parent 09e091fe
query_kw = dict()
if software_instance_portal_type == "Slave Instance" and\
software_release_url == "":
software_release_list = context.SoftwareProduct_getSortedSoftwareReleaseList(software_product_reference="frontend")
if len(software_release_list):
software_release_document = software_release_list[0]
query_kw['software_release_url'] = software_release_document.getUrlString()
# This should be adjusted
query_kw['software_type'] = "custom-personal"
return query_kw
return query_kw
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