• Yonghong Song's avatar
    fix tcplife.py rewriter issue · cb136c15
    Yonghong Song authored
    rewriter tried to rewrite an argument for a user written
    bpf_probe_read and triggers a clang compilation error.
      $ tcplife.py
      /virtual/main.c:134:41: error: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'typeof(u64)' (aka 'unsigned long long')
        ...&({ typeof(u64) _val; __builtin_memset(&_val, 0, sizeof(_val)); bpf_probe_read(&_val, sizeof(_val), (u64)&tp->bytes_received); _val; }));
      /virtual/main.c:135:41: error: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'typeof(u64)' (aka 'unsigned long long')
        ...&({ typeof(u64) _val; __builtin_memset(&_val, 0, sizeof(_val)); bpf_probe_read(&_val, sizeof(_val), (u64)&tp->bytes_acked); _val; }));
      2 errors generated.
    changing bpf_probe_read to regular pointer access fixed the issue.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarYonghong Song <yhs@fb.com>
tcplife.py 16.6 KB