Commit 382f5731 authored by Sandipan Das's avatar Sandipan Das Committed by yonghong-song

Fix syscall map generation via ausyscall (#2072)

When ausyscall is used as a fallback plan to generate the
syscall map, the subprocess.check_output() call fails as
the program name and arguments must be passed separately.

Fixes: 218f7482 ("Wcohen/efficiency (#2063)")
Signed-off-by: default avatarSandipan Das <>
parent 74e25edb
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ def _parse_syscall(line):
# Skip the first line, which is a header. The rest of the lines are simply
out = subprocess.check_output('ausyscall --dump', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out = subprocess.check_output(['ausyscall', '--dump'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# remove the first line of expected output
out = out.split('\n',1)[1]
syscalls = dict(map(_parse_syscall, out.strip().split(b'\n')))
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