Commit 7c91cf67 authored by 4ast's avatar 4ast Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1536 from iovisor/yhs_dev

fix a trace_pipe output issue
parents 37633800 7a46dfe2
......@@ -950,7 +950,16 @@ class BPF(object):
ts_end = line.find(":")
pid, cpu, flags, ts = line[:ts_end].split()
cpu = cpu[1:-1]
msg = line[ts_end + 4:]
# line[ts_end:] will have ": [sym_or_addr]: msgs"
# For trace_pipe debug output, the addr typically
# is invalid (e.g., 0x1). For kernel 4.12 or earlier,
# if address is not able to match a kernel symbol,
# nothing will be printed out. For kernel 4.13 and later,
# however, the illegal address will be printed out.
# Hence, both cases are handled here.
line = line[ts_end + 1:]
sym_end = line.find(":")
msg = line[sym_end + 2:]
return (task, int(pid), int(cpu), flags, float(ts), msg)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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