Commit 942c9c15 authored by Michael Przybylski's avatar Michael Przybylski

Debian jessie compile/test work in progress.

parent 3e77af57
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
# Build artefacts
# Build artifacts
......@@ -153,6 +153,86 @@ The appropriate dependencies (e.g., ```clang```, ```llvm``` with BPF backend) wi
# Source
## Debian - Source
Add jessie-backports repo
Add non-free repo to sources.list
Install latest 4.x kernel and headers from jessie-backports
See updated control file for all package-build dependencies
Other required tooling: devscripts
debuild -b -uc -us
Re-running tests:
cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo /usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process -j1 -V
20: Test command: /home/mikep/bcc/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/tests/ "py_uprobes" "sudo" "/home/mikep/bcc/tests/python/"
20: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
20: Python 2.7.9
20: .Arena 0:
20: system bytes = 13803520
20: in use bytes = 2970096
20: Total (incl. mmap):
20: system bytes = 14594048
20: in use bytes = 3760624
20: max mmap regions = 4
20: max mmap bytes = 1589248
20: F
20: ======================================================================
20: FAIL: test_simple_library (__main__.TestUprobes)
20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Traceback (most recent call last):
20: File "/home/mikep/bcc/tests/python/", line 34, in test_simple_library
20: self.assertEqual(b["stats"][ctypes.c_int(0)].value, 2)
20: AssertionError: 0L != 2
26: Test command: /home/mikep/bcc/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/tests/ "lua_test_uprobes" "sudo" "/usr/bin/luajit" "test_uprobes.lua"
26: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
26: Python 2.7.9
26: Arena 0:
26: system bytes = 12394496
26: in use bytes = 1561664
26: Total (incl. mmap):
26: system bytes = 12394496
26: in use bytes = 1561664
26: max mmap regions = 4
26: max mmap bytes = 999424
26: .F
26: Failed tests:
26: -------------
26: 1) TestUprobes.test_simple_library
26: test_uprobes.lua:38: expected: 2, actual: 0
26: stack traceback:
26: test_uprobes.lua:38: in function 'TestUprobes.test_simple_library'
26: Ran 2 tests in 0.141 seconds, 1 successes, 1 failures
26: Failed
26/28 Test #26: lua_test_uprobes .................***Failed 0.27 sec
test 28
Start 28: lua_test_standalone
28: Test command: /home/mikep/bcc/tests/lua/
28: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
28: + cd src/lua
28: + [[ ! -x bcc-lua ]]
28: + ldd bcc-lua
28: + grep -q luajit
28: + rm -f probe.lua
28: + echo 'return function(BPF) print("Hello world") end'
28: + ./bcc-lua probe.lua
28: Hello world
28: + fail 'bcc-lua runs without'
28: + echo 'test failed: bcc-lua runs without'
28: test failed: bcc-lua runs without
28: + exit 1
28/28 Test #28: lua_test_standalone ..............***Failed 0.01 sec
## Ubuntu - Source
To build the toolchain from source, one needs:
......@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@ Maintainer: Brenden Blanco <>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake, libllvm3.7 | libllvm3.8, llvm-3.7-dev | llvm-3.8-dev, libclang-3.7-dev | libclang-3.8-dev, libelf-dev, bison, flex, libedit-dev, clang-format | clang-format-3.7, python-netaddr, python-pyroute2, luajit, libluajit-5.1-dev
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake, libllvm3.7 | libllvm3.8,
llvm-3.7-dev | llvm-3.8-dev, libclang-3.7-dev | libclang-3.8-dev,
libelf-dev, bison, flex, libedit-dev,
clang-format | clang-format-3.7 | clang-format-3.8, python (>= 2.7),
python-netaddr, python-pyroute2, luajit, libluajit-5.1-dev, arping,
inetutils-ping | iputils-ping, iperf, netperf, ethtool
Package: libbcc
......@@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ ipr = IPRoute()
ipdb = IPDB(nl=ipr)
sim = Simulation(ipdb)
allocated_interfaces = set(ipdb.interfaces.keys())
def get_next_iface(prefix):
i = 0
while True:
iface = "{0}{1}".format(prefix, i)
if iface not in allocated_interfaces:
return iface
i += 1
class TestBPFSocket(TestCase):
def setup_br(self, br, veth_rt_2_br, veth_pem_2_br, veth_br_2_pem):
......@@ -84,15 +94,15 @@ class TestBPFSocket(TestCase):
br1.up()["sysctl", "-q", "-w", "net.ipv6.conf." + br + ".disable_ipv6=1"])
def set_default_const(self):
self.ns1 = "ns1"
self.ns2 = "ns2"
self.ns_router = "ns_router"
self.br1 = "br1"
self.br1 = get_next_iface("br")
self.veth_pem_2_br1 = "v20"
self.veth_br1_2_pem = "v21"
self.br2 = "br2"
self.br2 = get_next_iface("br")
self.veth_pem_2_br2 = "v22"
self.veth_br2_2_pem = "v23"
......@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ static void incr(int idx) {
int count(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
bpf_trace_printk("count() uprobe fired");
u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
if (pid == PID)
return 0;
text = text.replace("PID", "%d" % os.getpid())
print text
b = bcc.BPF(text=text)
b.attach_uprobe(name="c", sym="malloc_stats", fn_name="count")
b.attach_uretprobe(name="c", sym="malloc_stats", fn_name="count")
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