Commit bf5b9a5b authored by Yonghong Song's avatar Yonghong Song

add kernel libbpf as a submodule

The kernel libbpf library
provides common functionality for handling bpf programs, maps,
ELF parsing, probing, BTF manipulation, etc. The library has
been recommended to the community as a common library for
bpf/btf handling. A separate repository
has been created for this purpose.

This patch brings in libbpf to bcc. The following command
is executed to crate a libbpf submodule at src/cc/libbpf:
  git submodule add src/cc/libbpf
Signed-off-by: default avatarYonghong Song <>
parent dd132421
[submodule "src/cc/libbpf"]
path = src/cc/libbpf
url =
Subproject commit d5b146fec50d7aa126fe98323aeaee688d4af289
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