This creates a program array named ```name``` with ```size``` entries. Each entry of the array is either a file descriptor to a bpf program or ```NULL```. The array acts as a jump table so that bpf programs can "tail-call" other bpf programs.
This invokes ```bpf_tail_call()``` to tail-call the bpf program which the ```index``` entry in [9. BPF_PROG_ARRAY](#9-bpf_prog_array) points to. A tail-call is different from the normal call. It reuses the current stack frame after jumping to another bpf program and never goes back. If the ```index``` entry is empty, it won't jump anywhere and the program execution continues as normal.
This assigns ```tail_call()``` to ```prog_array[2]```. In the end of ```do_tail_call()```, ```, 2)``` tail-calls ```tail_call()``` and executes it.
**NOTE:** To prevent infinite loop, the maximun number of tail-calls is 32 ([```MAX_TAIL_CALL_CNT```](