Commit e3b59b37 authored by Rodrigo Manyari's avatar Rodrigo Manyari

tools/tcpsubnet: initial commit

parent f2354fa5
# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports
# tcpsubnet Summarize TCP bytes sent to different subnets.
# For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF. Embedded C.
# USAGE: tcpsubnet [-h] [-v] [--ebpf] [-J] [-f FORMAT] [-i INTERVAL] [subnets]
# This uses dynamic tracing of kernel functions, and will need to be updated
# to match kernel changes.
# This is an adaptation of tcptop from written by Brendan Gregg.
# WARNING: This traces all send at the TCP level, and while it
# summarizes data in-kernel to reduce overhead, there may still be some
# overhead at high TCP send/receive rates (eg, ~13% of one CPU at 100k TCP
# events/sec. This is not the same as packet rate: funccount can be used to
# count the kprobes below to find out the TCP rate). Test in a lab environment
# first. If your send rate is low (eg, <1k/sec) then the overhead is
# expected to be negligible.
# Copyright 2017 Rodrigo Manyari
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# 03-Oct-2017 Rodrigo Manyari Created this based on tcptop.
# 13-Feb-2018 Rodrigo Manyari Fix pep8 errors, some refactoring.
import argparse
import json
import logging
import struct
import socket
from bcc import BPF
from time import sleep
# arguments
examples = """examples:
./tcpsubnet # Trace TCP sent to the default subnets:
./tcpsubnet -f K # Trace TCP sent to the default subnets
# aggregated in KBytes.
./tcpsubnet # Trace TCP sent to only
./tcpsubnet -J # Format the output in JSON.
default_subnets = ",,,"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Summarize TCP send and aggregate by subnet",
parser.add_argument("subnets", help="comma separated list of subnets",
type=str, nargs="?", default=default_subnets)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="output debug statements")
parser.add_argument("-J", "--json", action="store_true",
help="format output in JSON")
parser.add_argument("--ebpf", action="store_true",
parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", default="B",
help="[bkmBKM] format to report: bits, Kbits, Mbits, bytes, " +
"KBytes, MBytes", choices=["b", "k", "m", "B", "K", "M"])
parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval", default=1, type=int,
help="output interval, in seconds (default 1)")
args = parser.parse_args()
level = logging.INFO
if args.verbose:
level = logging.DEBUG
logging.debug("Starting with the following args:")
# args checking
if int(args.interval) <= 0:
logging.error("Invalid interval, must be > 0. Exiting.")
args.interval = int(args.interval)
# map of supported formats
formats = {
"b": lambda x: (x * 8),
"k": lambda x: ((x * 8) / 1024),
"m": lambda x: ((x * 8) / pow(1024, 2)),
"B": lambda x: x,
"K": lambda x: x / 1024,
"M": lambda x: x / pow(1024, 2)
# Let's swap the string with the actual numeric value
# once here so we don't have to do it on every interval
formatFn = formats[args.format]
# define the basic structure of the BPF program
bpf_text = """
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
#include <net/sock.h>
#include <bcc/proto.h>
struct index_key_t {
u32 index;
BPF_HASH(ipv4_send_bytes, struct index_key_t);
int kprobe__tcp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx, struct sock *sk,
struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
u16 family = sk->__sk_common.skc_family;
u64 *val, zero = 0;
if (family == AF_INET) {
u32 dst = sk->__sk_common.skc_daddr;
unsigned categorized = 0;
return 0;
# Takes in a mask and returns the integer equivalent
# e.g.
# mask_to_int(8) returns 4278190080
def mask_to_int(n):
return ((1 << n) - 1) << (32 - n)
# Takes in a list of subnets and returns a list
# of tuple-3 containing:
# - The subnet info at index 0
# - The addr portion as an int at index 1
# - The mask portion as an int at index 2
# e.g.
# parse_subnets([]) returns
# [
# ['', 168427520, 4294967040],
# ]
def parse_subnets(subnets):
m = []
for s in subnets:
parts = s.split("/")
if len(parts) != 2:
msg = "Subnet [%s] is invalid, please refer to the examples." % s
raise ValueError(msg)
netaddr_int = 0
mask_int = 0
netaddr_int = struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(parts[0]))[0]
msg = ("Invalid net address in subnet [%s], " +
"please refer to the examples.") % s
raise ValueError(msg)
mask_int = int(parts[1])
msg = "Invalid mask in subnet [%s]. Mask must be an int" % s
raise ValueError(msg)
if mask_int < 0 or mask_int > 32:
msg = ("Invalid mask in subnet [%s]. Must be an " +
"int between 0 and 32.") % s
raise ValueError(msg)
mask_int = mask_to_int(int(parts[1]))
m.append([s, netaddr_int, mask_int])
return m
def generate_bpf_subnets(subnets):
template = """
if (!categorized && (__NET_ADDR__ & __NET_MASK__) ==
(dst & __NET_MASK__)) {
struct index_key_t key = {.index = __POS__};
val = ipv4_send_bytes.lookup_or_init(&key, &zero);
categorized = 1;
(*val) += size;
bpf = ''
for i, s in enumerate(subnets):
branch = template
branch = branch.replace("__NET_ADDR__", str(socket.htonl(s[1])))
branch = branch.replace("__NET_MASK__", str(socket.htonl(s[2])))
branch = branch.replace("__POS__", str(i))
bpf += branch
return bpf
subnets = []
if args.subnets:
subnets = args.subnets.split(",")
subnets = parse_subnets(subnets)
logging.debug("Packets are going to be categorized in the following subnets:")
bpf_subnets = generate_bpf_subnets(subnets)
# initialize BPF
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace("__SUBNETS__", bpf_subnets)
logging.debug("Done preprocessing the BPF program, " +
"this is what will actually get executed:")
if args.ebpf:
b = BPF(text=bpf_text)
ipv4_send_bytes = b["ipv4_send_bytes"]
print("Tracing... Output every %d secs. Hit Ctrl-C to end" %
# output
exiting = 0
while (1):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exiting = 1
# IPv4: build dict of all seen keys
keys = ipv4_send_bytes
for k, v in ipv4_send_bytes.items():
if k not in keys:
keys[k] = v
# to hold json data
data = {}
# output
for k, v in reversed(sorted(keys.items(), key=lambda keys: keys[1].value)):
send_bytes = 0
if k in ipv4_send_bytes:
send_bytes = int(ipv4_send_bytes[k].value)
subnet = subnets[k.index][0]
send = formatFn(send_bytes)
if args.json:
data[subnet] = send
print("%-21s %6d" % (subnet, send))
if args.json:
if exiting:
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