1. 19 May, 2015 25 commits
  2. 06 May, 2015 1 commit
  3. 05 May, 2015 2 commits
  4. 04 May, 2015 1 commit
  5. 01 May, 2015 1 commit
  6. 28 Apr, 2015 5 commits
  7. 27 Apr, 2015 2 commits
    • Jason Madden's avatar
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Substantial performance gains for PyPy. · add499ab
      Jason Madden authored
      First, eliminate the use of the RingWrapper object and always delete
      by index. It was only necessary to allow use of ring.remove(). This
      had some performance impact, but mostly saves memory.
      Second, eliminate the use of `enumerate` in the hot mru() path. This was the big performance win.
      Current results:
      ** concurrency=2 **
      "Transaction",                mysql     before
      "Add 3000 Objects",             7424     5486
      "Update 3000 Objects",          5699     4141
      "Read 3000 Warm Objects",       4571     4003
      "Read 3000 Cold Objects",       4932     4204
      "Read 3000 Hot Objects",       17295     10416
      "Read 3000 Steamin' Objects", 346331     168983
  8. 24 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  9. 22 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Optimize the _p_accessed code path in pure-python for substantial performance improvements. · 6fa457df
      Jason Madden authored
      Some very minor tweaks to avoid going through the __getattribute__ path so much have large consequences for `zodbshootout`:
        Results show objects written or read per second. Best of 3. (before/after on pypy2.5.1)
        "Transaction",                before        after      cpython2.7
        "Add 3000 Objects",             534         2340        11711
        "Update 3000 Objects",          330         3035        11333
        "Read 3000 Warm Objects",      1168         1941         9086
        "Read 3000 Cold Objects",      1647         4161         9484
        "Read 3000 Hot Objects",       2647        11086        45220
        "Read 3000 Steamin' Objects", 30523       108138      5321032
  10. 14 Apr, 2015 1 commit