1. 06 Feb, 2018 5 commits
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  12. 25 Jan, 2018 2 commits
    • 4ast's avatar
      Merge pull request #1554 from iovisor/yhs_dev · 08be4432
      4ast authored
      add a probe alias $task in trace.py
    • Yonghong Song's avatar
      add a probe alias $task in trace.py · f92fef26
      Yonghong Song authored
      The $task refers to the current task. In my particular case, I need
      to trace the number of users for file system associated with the current
      task. With the probe alias $task, trace.py can easily trace this event
        trace.py -I 'linux/fs_struct.h' 'mntns_install "users = %d", $task->fs->users'
        PID     TID     COMM            FUNC             -
        176566  176566  python2.7       mntns_install    users = 2
        176566  176566  python2.7       mntns_install    users = 2
      With $task probe alias, kernel tast_struct fields can be used in trace.py
      filter or output easily even if they cannot be accessed through input
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYonghong Song <yhs@fb.com>