- 26 Apr, 2023 3 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Those files are autogenerated on Windows builds.
Kirill Smelkov authored
On Windows during compile time it is not only target .dll that is needed to link to a DSO, but also corresponding .lib and .exp files. And if the .lib file cannot be found linking fails. On regular install for a DSO X we are currently installing all X.dll, X.lib and X.exp, but for in-place builds we copy only X.dll into intree without X.lib and the rest. This leads to build failures when an external project tries to link to a DSO from `pip install -e` installed project. Below is, for example, how it looks for the link failure of added example/project2 to dsodemo.lib.demo without the fix: ```console (1.wenv) Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\setuptools_dso\example\project2>python setup.py build_ext -i running build_ext building 'use_dsodemo.ext' extension Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\vc\tools\msvc\14.35.32215\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /W3 /GL /DNDEBUG /MD -I../src -IZ:\ho me\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\1.wenv\include "-IC:\Program Files\Python310\include" "-IC:\Program Files\Python310\Include" -Iz:\home\kirr\src\tools \go\pygo-win\BuildTools\vc\tools\msvc\14.35.32215\include -Iz:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\include\10.0.22000.0\shared -Iz:\ home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\include\10.0.22000.0\ucrt -Iz:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\include\10.0.2 2000.0\um -Iz:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\include\10.0.22000.0\winrt /EHsc /Tpsrc/use_dsodemo/ext.cpp /Fobuild\temp.win-amd 64-cpython-310\Release\src/use_dsodemo/ext.obj ext.cpp creating Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\setuptools_dso\example\project2\build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-310 creating Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\setuptools_dso\example\project2\build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-310\use_dsodemo Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\vc\tools\msvc\14.35.32215\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /LTCG /DLL /MANIFEST:EMBED ,ID=2 /MANIFESTUAC:NO /LIBPATH:Z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\setuptools_dso\example\src\dsodemo\lib "/LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Python310\libs" "/LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Python310" /LIBPATH:z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\vc\tools\msvc\14.35.32215\lib\x64 /LIBPATH:z:\home\ki rr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\lib\10.0.22000.0\ucrt\x64 /LIBPATH:z:\home\kirr\src\tools\go\pygo-win\BuildTools\kits\10\lib\10.0.22000 .0\um\x64 demo.lib /EXPORT:PyInit_ext build\temp.win-amd64-cpython-310\Release\src/use_dsodemo/ext.obj /OUT:build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-310\use_dso demo\ext.cp310-win_amd64.pyd /IMPLIB:build\temp.win-amd64-cpython-310\Release\src/use_dsodemo\ext.cp310-win_amd64.lib LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'demo.lib' error: command 'Z:\\home\\kirr\\src\\tools\\go\\pygo-win\\BuildTools\\vc\\tools\\msvc\\14.35.32215\\bin\\Hostx64\\x64\\link.exe' failed with exit code 1181 ``` This fix is simple: on inplace build copy into intree not only .dll but also .lib and .exp files.
Kirill Smelkov authored
In the next patch we will need to use C-API provided by dsodemo.lib.demo from external package.
- 05 Feb, 2023 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 03 Feb, 2023 5 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 22 Nov, 2022 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 16 Sep, 2022 3 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 14 Sep, 2022 5 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
with MSVC, _fix_compile_args(include_dirs=None) appends to self.include_dirs on each call.
Michael Davidsaver authored
Shouldn't be modified, but hard to tell if it is.
- 07 Jan, 2022 5 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 06 Jan, 2022 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 05 Jan, 2022 2 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 18 Oct, 2021 3 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 17 Oct, 2021 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 16 Oct, 2021 1 commit
Edmund Blomley authored
- 06 Aug, 2021 2 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 05 Aug, 2021 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 03 Aug, 2021 3 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 28 Jul, 2021 2 commits
Michael Davidsaver authored
Michael Davidsaver authored
- 20 Jul, 2021 1 commit
Michael Davidsaver authored